​The Flaherty Field Trial Clubs Association, Inc.
Flaherty Yearbook
The Flaherty Field Trail Club Association publishes this annual directory commonly known as the “Flaherty Yearbook”. In it you will find general information about the Association, event schedules, dog club information, and advertisements.
This is a pdf document and may perform differently depending on which browser you are using, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Google Chrome. Adobe Reader is the preferred viewer and can be downloaded for free. The viewing size can be adjusted using the fit-width and zoom features on your toolbar. This is a very large file and could take several seconds to fully open – so please be patient!
We appreciate the efforts of Sue DeSilver, Marisa Fowler, Bob Fleury, Dick Frawley, Arthur Hembrough, Janice Gregory, KC Alexander; and Hannah Gordon of Webster County Printing who have worked very hard on publishing the Yearbook and putting it on the website. Any comments and/or suggestions are always welcome.
Click on the cover image to open the Yearbook.